Sharing our love with those in great need

3rd November 2023

This November we are starting two exciting social action projects with our students.

Students in Years 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 we are asking each tutor group to create as many shoeboxes filled with toys, gifts and presents for children across the world living in poverty or warzones who won’t receive anything this Christmas. Last year 50% of the boxes we collected were delivered to Ukrainian refugees and these boxes really do make a profound difference in the world.

If you can donate any toys or gifts, please send them in to their tutor group so that these boxes can be created and sent to children most in need by Monday 20th November. Students in Year 8, we are doing an exciting social action project called ‘the parable of the talents challenge’ where we will be giving each tutor group £5 to grow to help make a real difference to charities of their choice.

Students will be coming up with ideas with their tutors of how to grow the money and which causes to support. The deadline for this is Friday 8th December.

Thank you so much for all your steadfast support in advance. You really are an amazing spiritual community and St. Joseph’s wouldn’t be the awesome spiritual family it is without your amazing support.

If you need any help with these projects please contact Andrew Young on

God bless