Expectations of Students

At St. Joseph’s we aim to create a safe, orderly, happy environment in which all students can learn to the best of their ability.

Expectations of Students

At St. Joseph’s we aim to create a safe, orderly, happy environment in which all students can learn to the best of their ability.

In order to do this, it is expected that each student will:

  • adhere to the school’s Uniform Policy.
  • ensure that they have the correct items and equipment for each lesson and take good care of any items of equipment provided for them.
  • be caring and respectful to others at all times.
  • concentrate on their work and follow the teacher’s instructions.
  • record homework tasks in their Student Planners and complete them diligently.
  • show respect and consideration to all people they meet outside of college and on the journey to and from school.

To ensure the smooth running of the Academy, students must:

  • keep to the left on staircases and corridors and walk quietly. They must line up quietly and wait for the teacher to lead them into the classroom.
  • have an appointment outside of the school day for visits to Doctor/Dentist/Clinic. If this is not possible, they must bring in the appointment card and show it to their Registration Tutor and follow the correct signing out procedures.
  • ensure parent/guardian rings in before 8.30am on the first day of any absence.
  • sign the late list if arriving after 8.30am and then report to their Registration Tutor.
  • provide a note if they need to be excused (on medical grounds only) from PE.
  • remain in school at lunchtime.
  • not use mobile phones or personal devices during the school day. Our expectation is that as soon as students enter the school building their mobile phone (or device) is switched off or on ‘silent’ mode and that students keep their mobile phone in their bag. Students are not permitted to use their mobile phone during the school day. If a student does use their phone during the school day it will be confiscated and the student will be issued a sanction.