Career Vision
The careers education at St Joseph’s Catholic Academy informs, promotes and supports every student’s best possible future to allow their light to shine.
St Joseph’s has a strategically planned whole school provision in place for careers education, information, advice and guidance that is designed to inspire all students to make informed choices about their future aims and ambitions. The CEIAG programme consists of a mix of teacher-led activities, online resources and engagement with external employers and professionals. It has been developed following Gatsby Benchmark and Careers Development Institute guidelines.
St Joseph’s Careers Education and Guidance policy has the following aims
- To support self-development where students understand themselves and the influences on them.
- To contribute towards raising achievement by increasing motivation through student goals and aspirations.
- To provide opportunities for career exploration in learning and real-life context.
- To provide information for students to make informed choices and confidently adjust plans to manage change and transition.
- To develop enterprise and employability skills.
Information for students
Here at St Joseph’s CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) is taught as part of PSHE. Topics of study include finance awareness, work related learning, enterprise, work experience preparation and employability skills. You will also have several opportunities to meet and work with a variety of employers in different sectors.
Topics are taught in 5 weeks modules and each topic will be taught by the Form Tutor. An overview of the programme will be provided at the beginning of each academic year.
All Subject areas make links to careers and where appropriate design Schemes of Learning with a specific Careers focus.
During the year there will be opportunities for you to evaluate the various activities and provide feedback on how we can improve the programme.
Information for parents and carers
A bespoke programme has been developed for each year group to ensure individual needs are met and activities are appropriate to students’ stages of career learning. This is delivered through PSHE, subject areas and key events. Throughout the year students will engage with employers from a variety of sectors, some of which will be during the school’s enrichment week in the summer term.
Parents and carers have the opportunity to provide feedback about school life, including the career programme, at information evenings and parents’ evenings. Information and supporting materials for key elements of the programme such as work experience are available on the website to support. Information on careers and Local Market Information is also shared with parents’ in the weekly parent newsletter.
Information for staff
The career programme is part of St Joseph’s PSHE programme which is a static timetabled lesson every week. Each year group has its own programme, and this operates as a carousel across the year. The programme is shared with staff via Microsoft Teams and can be found in the PSHE folder. Topics are usually taught in 5 week blocks and all materials are shared.
Each subject area makes their own explicit links to careers in the curriculum. Staff are also provided opportunities to reflect on careers provision during CPD.
The programme is evaluated in the summer term and includes opportunities for staff to feedback; outcomes inform future planning.
Information for employers
A range of events, integrated into St Joseph’s careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to speak to students and/or their parents. These are delivered through assemblies and our careers day where there is availability. An overview of these opportunities and how to access them can be found in our Provider Access Policy on the website.
Evaluation for CEIAG at St. Joseph’s include:
• Analysis of destinations of leavers.
• NEETs % figures.
• Feedback from student leavers surveys
• Reports to governors about careers.
• Feedback on the careers programme from parents, students, employers and staff and use this to inform future career planning.
• Careers evaluation found within school evaluation procedures and processes e.g. SEF, SIP.
Further Information
For further information about any of the items shown in this section, please contact the school’s Career Leader, Mr MA Simpson, on: or telephone 0191 428 2700.
Policies regarding our Careers Programme, including our Provider Assessment Statement can be found on our Policies page.