Exam Results

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KS4 Results 2024

Measure Score
Progress 8 Score -0.29
Attainment 8 Score 44.3
Pupils Entering EBacc 48%
EBacc Average Point Score: 3.87
Pupils staying in Education or going into Employment 94%
Pupils Achieving Grade 5 or above in English and Maths GCSEs 41.3%


KS5 Results 2024

Measure Score
A-Level Progress -0.4
A-Level Attainment 28.53 (C)
Applied General Vocational Progress -0.02
Applied General Vocational Attainment 33.92 (Dist)
English average progress Not nationally published in 2024
Maths average progress Not nationally published in 2024
Students progressing to education or employment 90%
A-Level Retention 90.4%
Applied General Retention 83.3%
Destination Number %
University 63 73%
Other Educational Setting 4 5%
Apprenticeship 7 8%
Gap Year 3 3%
Employment 9 10%


GCSE Results 2023

Attainment 8 score of 47.0
16.4% of all grades were at a grade 7 (or BTEC Distinction) and above
53.5% of all grades were at a grade 5 (or BTEC Merit) and above
39.15% of Students Achieving a Grade 5 or above in both Mathematics and English
65.6% of Students Achieving a Grade 4 or above in both Mathematics and English
63.7% of students Achieved 5 GCSEs at Grades 4-9 including Mathematics and English

GCE Results 2023

Average Grade of a C
22.4% of grades at a Grade A (or BTEC Distinction) and above
43.9% of grade at a Grade B (or BTEC Merit) and above

Destination Number %
University 45 55%
College 7 9%
Apprenticeship 9 11%
Gap Year 3 3%
Employment 18 22%