Christmas Jumper Day

30th November 2020

Christmas Jumper Day letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

On Friday 11 December, our school will be taking part in Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day. We’re
asking families to donate £1 or however much they can give, to help transform the futures of children in the
UK and around the world. Save the Children make sure children are kept safe, healthy and learning, and
change the future for good.

There’s no need to buy a new jumper – students can make their own Christmas jumper (spot prizes will be
awarded on the day for the best designs) or wear Christmas accessories. Students taking part may also wear
their P.E. kit that day.

To make donating easier and safer you can either complete the £1 voluntary donation via ParentPay or your
child can bring their £1 into school and place it in one of the donation stations in their Bubble.

We’d really appreciate your support to make Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day a success – it’s a
great cause, so together at school, we’ll be helping to create a brighter future for children, we can make the
world better in our sparkly, silly sweaters!

Kind regards,
The Pastoral Team