Staffing Structure

Headteacher: Mr James Crowe
Chair of Governors: Mrs G Kilgour


Senior Leadership Team:

Acting Deputy Headteacher: Mr D McGuinness
Senior Assistant Headteacher (Curriculum Impact, Implementation & School Outcomes): Mr J Brettell
Assistant Headteacher (Head of Sixth Form): Mrs C Curry
Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral & DSL): Mrs R Tubman
Assistant Headteacher (Engagement & Personal Development): Mrs B Berry
Assistant Headteacher (Curriculum & Data): Mr MA Simpson
Assistant Headteacher (Attendance, Disadvantage & Routines): Mr M Bell
Assistant Headteacher (Interventions, Communications &Transitions): Mr N Wiecek
School Business Manager: Mrs V Henry


SEND Co-ordinator: Miss E Bushby
Assistant SEND Co-ordinator: Miss T Dalby
Head of Aidan House: Mrs H Cobain
Head of Bede House: Mrs K Coyles
Head of Cuthbert House: Mr M Leask
Head of Dunstan House: Mrs K Hardy-Jones
Head of Elfleda House: Mrs D Visram

Assistant Head of Aidan House: Mr A Middleton
Assistant Head of Bede House: Miss R Lumley
Assistant Head of Cuthbert House: Mr R Jobe
Assistant Head of Dunstan House: Mr G Rudd

Attendance Manager: Mrs R Bollado

Sixth Form:

Head of Sixth Form: Mrs C Curry
Head of Year 12: Miss L McVay
Head of Year 13: Mrs M Kerr