Supporting your child with maths

Thank you to all those parents who took part in our summer survey where we asked for your opinion on how we could improve parental engagement in maths. Following on from the feedback we received we have prepared these documents and look forward to inviting you to various workshops throughout the year. Workshop details will be shared at a later date.

Parental Engagement in Maths

Module 1 overviews – these documents look in detail at the topics your child will be studying during the first module in maths.

Y7 M1 Overview

Y8 M1 Overview

Y9 M1 Overview

Y10F M1 Overview

Y10H M1 Overview

Y11F M1 Overview

Y11H M1 Overview

These are the topics your child will study in Module 2 in maths.

Y7 M2 Overview

Y8 M2 Overview

Y9 M2 Overview

Y10F M2 Overview

Y10H M2 Overview

Y11F M2 Overview

Y11H M2 Overview


These are the topics your child will study during module 3. KS3 will also take their end of year assessments during this module and Year 10 will complete their first series of mock examinations. Year 11 follow a bespoke revision plan during module 3.

Y7 M3 Overview

Y8 M3 Overview

Y9 M3 Overview

Y10F M3 Overview

Y10H M3 Overview


KS5 Overviews – these documents look in detail at the topics studied over the course of the year in our A-level course.

Y12 Full year Overview

Y13 Full year Overview



Other important information Calculator skills – pupils must be proficient in the use of a scientific calculator. This video explains some of the important functionality which we want our pupils to be able to use.

Common mathematical methods – through discussions with parents we often hear the phrase ‘it’s all different since I went to school’. This document looks at some of the common methods used for different areas of mathematics. Our calculation policy also provides further information.

BCCET Common mathematical methods


Useful websites – there are many useful mathematics websites available. We subscribe to Hegarty Maths, which your child has their own login for and will be shown how to get the most out of during their maths lessons. These videos provide an insight to what other websites offer.

These websites contain lots of maths games and puzzles which you can complete with your child.