St Joseph’s Catholic Academy

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Caritas Christi Urget Nos

The love of Christ spurs us on

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Caritas Christi Urget Nos

The love of Christ spurs us on

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Caritas Christi Urget Nos

The love of Christ spurs us on

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Caritas Christi Urget Nos

The love of Christ spurs us on

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Welcome from the Headteacher

St Joseph’s Catholic Academy is a truly special place where our staff and students live out our FLAME values every day, allowing them to let their light shine.

I believe that every individual, made in the image of God, has the right to achieve their potential. We are very proud of the academic achievements of our students at all key stages, but we also have a clear focus in St Joseph’s on developing the ‘whole child’, including allowing character qualities to flourish in order that all our students will grow into positive, resilient, empathetic and responsible young adults. Our Catholic ethos is at the heart of our school community and strengthens us in all that we do.

Our FLAME values are our golden thread at St Joseph’s. Our values run through all aspects of school life.

FAITH. Our students and staff have faith in themselves, faith in God, faith in others, and a belief that anything is possible. As a school, we support our staff and students in their journey of faith, providing opportunities for reflection, and challenging stereotypes, to enable us to celebrate diversity, equity and inclusion. We always try our hardest to live out our faith through witness and example.

LEARNING. As staff we are on a lifelong journey of learning. Our students leave St Joseph’s with rich and varied knowledge, the ability to ask questions, and the facility to discuss and challenge perceptions, improving society as we go. As staff we support students with this through our carefully planned curriculum, which is strategically sequenced and has clear intent. We implement this curriculum through lessons that make students think hard, whilst meeting individual needs, so that all our students know more and can do more.

ATTITUDE. We celebrate our own achievements and those of our students. We encourage our students’ lights to shine, and shout about their successes, so that this culture of celebrating achievement becomes our norm. We want every individual at St Joseph’s to be able to rise and meet new challenges, to be positive, and to show determination and perseverance.

MUTUAL RESPECT. Our community cares for one another. Our students take part in raising awareness of key issues and become involved in charity work. We want inclusion and equity within our school. We help our students to become outward facing members of society, in the way that our patron saint, St Joseph, was.

ENRICHMENT. St Joseph’s is about the formation and development of the whole child. All of our students are given a range of enrichment opportunities, allowing them to explore their passions, and to experience new things. These opportunities, of course, go beyond the purely academic.

We know that our students’ journey through St Joseph’s has the capacity to change lives. We see this every day. Our hardworking and exceptional staff are relentless in their drive to give your child the best education possible, with an ambitious curriculum that has values at its heart. St Joseph’s is a safe environment where our students are nurtured and encouraged to flourish.

It is truly a privilege to be Acting Headteacher at St Joseph’s Catholic Academy.

Suzanne Lewis-Dale



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